Machinery & Tools Mattoon

Lexmark Corporation

1400 Charleston Ave #2
Mattoon , IL 61938-4092
(217) 258-6104


Lexmark Corporation can be found at 1400 Charleston Ave #2 . The following is offered: Machinery & Tools - In Mattoon there are 6 other Machinery & Tools. An overview can be found here.


1 Reviews, in average 5 Stars

Diane Montgomery Crestwood, Kentucky wrote on 10-02-2014

help please

Lexmark, I am a happy customer of 10 years. I have a printer that I truly love but it's having a problem and I truly hate to get rid of it because of this issue. I have taken it to several locations and due to the age everyone is saying purchase a new one they can't help. I own a Lexmark X 150 Serial# 02190211796 Model# 4476 KY one of the ink cartridge tops has broken off and no longer keeps the cartridge secure. Is there a part I can purchase to repair this or will I have to purchase a new one? I love the picture quality this one has and I hate the hassle of searching for a new printer if this one can be fixed. With a heavy heart Diane Montgomery 5710 Montfort lane Crestwood ky 40014 5025531516


Machinery & Tools
(217)258-6104 (217)-258-6104 +12172586104

Map 1400 Charleston Ave #2